As part of Ma-kin sense conversation last week, we talked about Black Lives Matter.
We couldn’t not talk about Black Lives Matter.
At Kin, we discuss things that are resonating with us, what is curious, what has been recently exposed, brought to attention, interrupting our boundaries – things that are dominating our communities and practices.
This week was different, we used the space to pause and reflect on the domino effect building up to the Black Lives Matter protests. To acknowledge, and archive this conversation, we did not want to perform our interpretations, but amplify voices in the black community and stand up against racism and inequality to support the Black Lives Matter movement.
Taking the words of Angela Davis, an American political activist who’s work focuses on gender equality, prison reform, and politics. Davis, talks about the need to be radical, describing it simply as “grasping things at the root” yet, to arrive at the root it is “not enough to be non-racist, we must be antiracist” in a racist society. In an interview for Democracy Now talking about her 2016, book Freedom Is a Constant Struggle, Davis talks about the coming together of movements, she recognises that historical conjunctures are often difficult to predict, but they are
“moments when things come together in such a way that new possibilities arrive”
At this moment, new possibilities feel possible, taking a deep look at our roots, sitting in the discomfort of the past to design new seeds for the future, emphasising the importance of life wide education of ourselves and others; where black lives are equal and black individuals thrive.
Here are are eight people and platforms support this movement, to change by design, and not disaster.
1. Jameisha Prescod - You look ok to me
2. Gal-dem
3. The White Pube
To support: patreon.com/thewhitepube
4. Root-ed zine
Donate: https://www.rootedzine.co.uk/donate
5. Layla Saad
6. Lecture In Progress
7. Charity So White
8. Rachel Cargle
An article inspired from a Ma-kin sense conversation on "#BlackLivesMatter". The group of reflectors: Laura Cloke, Rachel Marsden and Katherine Simpson.
Photo by James Eades on Unsplash
What are ‘ma-kin sense’ articles?
• Discuss as a group for 27 mins to reflect on a keyword that is prevalent or emerging in society. The conversation is written up as an article with doodles and notes accompanied.
• Each person shares their observations on the key word and riff off each other.
So what
• The conversation is for self-reflection and collective transfer of knowledge – nothing more, nothing less.
• It is an opportunity to be in the moment, experimental and experiential to poke and prod as a collection of voices to excavate and test the edges of our boundaries.